Monday, March 26, 2007


It's 64 and sunny out... such a nice change of pace.. Winter is hopefully just a distant memory.
I am loving the sunshine, the warmth... the green that is starting to sprout.

My kids are gone for a couple of days.. While I enjoy the quiet I miss them. I know they are having a great time with Grandma and Grandpa up in the mountains. I hope it's warm up there!

I have started a book by Dan Brown - Deception Point. I'm normally a very fast reader.. but this book is taking me a little extra time. I am hoping that when I get home tonight that I will be able to sit outside in the sun and read a few pages. I like the book but it's a heavier storyline than what I typically read so it's taking me some time. I have another by him I'd like to read called Digital Fortress..but one book at a time. I also want to pick up James Patterson's Step On A Crack... I'm always a big James Patterson reader.. he could write the ABC"s on toilet paper and I'd pay $26 for a copy of it!

We had a good bye party this weekend for a friend who has decided to move. Tony has been here for about 2 years or so and finally decided the "one" is back in his home town. I am so happy and excited for them both and wish them all the love and luck in the world. We will all miss him when he's gone and hope they will someday return to call our little part of the world home.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Today is election day.
A time to get out, cast a vote, and be heard.
I've paid a good amount of attention to my local ballot issues and to who the candidates are.
I have listened to countless people in my little world talk about their views and I have formed my own opinions on each of the things that need to be addressed on the ballot.
Still, as a total proponent of getting out to vote - I have very little desire to participate this year.
I know it's a privelege to do so but I am just feeling rather uninspired this year. The ballot issues that are on this year aren't really terribly important to me and the candidate choices are slim at best. I'm not sure any of them belong in public service.
But I am sure I will trot on out and do the right thing this afternoon and vote. Then I can collect my "I VOTED!" sticker and impress upon my children the value of this service....